Thank you for your interest in having me do your event’s photography!In order to serve you better, please help me out by filling this form! Name * First Name Last Name Email * Phone Number * Date of the shoot * Subject to my availability MM DD YYYY Time of the shoot * Subject to my availability Hour Minute Second AM PM Duration * In hours and/or days, as needed Location * Where the event will be held Event type * Performance/Concert Party Competition Corporate Meeting/Conference Flash photography * Is flash photography allowed? Yes No Not sure In some circumstances Participants' consent * Have participants agreed to their photographs being taken? This is usually found in the terms and conditions for attending the event. Yes No Not yet Not sure Other photographer * Will there be other photographers shooting the event at the same time as me? Yes No Not sure Further instructions Please let me know if you have further instructions for the shoot, such as the types of shots that you would like me to prioritise (crowds' reaction, awards ceremony, group pictures, etc). Thank you so much for taking the time to fill up this form. I will get back to you shortly!